Esta webcam ao vivo mostra a Piazza Salvatore Galluzzi e o porto protegido na boca do fluxo Tavollo

domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

台北電影節【惡女部落格】中文字幕預告 Camila Jam

導演:穆里羅‧沙勒斯Murilo SALLES 



片長:120 min

A lindissíma Leandra Leal
Camila is radical and consciously alone. She has no past and doesnt want to know her future. The only thing that matters is her path. The act of writing is her identity. It is a film about Camilas quest for redemption, obsessively building and self-destroying. Lonely, her unconditional quest is for affection, for intimacy. This existential experience incarnates her body.

放映日期:6/25(五) 20.30 @ 新光影城三廳、6/28(一) 12.00 @ 新光影城三廳

※ 2010台北電影節獨家中文字幕製作 ※

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